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What's with the gemstones?

It's a fair question. What do these different gemstones have to do with pickleball? Pull up a chair my friend, cause you just asked me a question about two of my favorite things...

I know at first glance the connection between gemstone focused jewelry and the pickleball court may not be clear. I mean, what exactly does moonstone have to do with the fastest growing sport in the country? Well...nothing. But also everything. Hear me out...

Pickleball is amazing. It's incredibly fun and addictive. It's also SUPER MENTAL. I mean, the mental game (as I'm currently in the throws of learning) is like, freaking huge. I can't emphasize this enough. You can be incredibly athletic and coordinated, but if you aren't able to stay calm, stay focused, keep your confidence up etc. then none of it matters. Enter the gemstones. 

Now, I'm not going to tell you that I fully believe that these beautiful stones can actually give you powers or whatever. But what I can tell you is that I firmly believe that these pieces can serve as a reminder to you of whatever it is you're working on. For example, I'm currently working on my confidence so I wear a lot of the moonstone pieces. Do I actually think that the moonstone itself is giving me confidence? No. But I do believe that "what you focus on grows", and that every time I think about my moonstone jewelry that I'm wearing, it reminds me to stay confident on the court. And the more I think about being confident, the more confident I become. It's like a super pretty self-fulfilling prophecy, ya dig?

It's pretty simple really. If "what you focus on grows", and you wear jewelry that reminds you to focus on an area of your game that you're trying to improve...well let's freaking go!